Common Services
Framework (CSF) is an internal projects that provides a set
of Foundation Classes on which Internal and External developers
may build SonicESB services. At present there are 5 Services
built out using this technology set. |
Live Objects project provides a Secure, Signed SonicMQ Client
Plug-in (Applet) that allows developers to use Javascript for
ineracting with the JMS client. The plugin provides a secure
transport for AJAX (Web 2.0) Composite Applications.
Distributed Shared Memory Cache (DSM) is an emerging technology
that has become a fairly disruptive presence in recent deals.
The technology provides a critical feature missing from the
current Integration Technology stack: Data Persistence. An internal
project is under way to explore the possibilities of hosting
a set of DSM type Cache Service inside a SonicESB Service Container.
'Fusion Cache' is an attempt to offer a hybrid (Pseudo-Relational),
Distrubted Cache mechanism into the Service Bus. (site is currently
under construction) |